The first two months have sped by in a blur of new faces, meetings, planning,building relationships and the list goes on and on. It is easy to get carried away on the wave of do, do,do and one can forget to take a moment to reflect on what we really have done.
The last few days have been filled with reflection...what have I done? Is it enough? Are people happy with me? my decisions ? and so on.
But today I stood still, took a deep breath and took a really good look at the last 7 weeks. A lot has been accomplished. I am learning about the culture and personalities of a new building. I know some student's names, have spoken to and met some parents and even baked cookies with my Kindergarten class today. We started a breakfast program and received generous donations from the community to help support it. We have weekly assemblies and I have met with each teacher at least 3 or 4 times. I have been in classrooms, had many meetings, started a school Facebook page and a Kindergarten Twitter account.
For the first time I have a Vice Principal and we are navigating through our roles and creating a team.
I have also been planning a wedding! Actually the more I go on the more I can think of.......whew I really have accomplished a fair amount. Is it enough? Yes I think so. Are people happy with me and or my decisions?  Not sure but I know that I base them on the best interests of the child and thats what really matters.
I realize that we all have to stop and reflect and sometimes pat ourselves on the back for what we have accomplished and sometimes ask ourselves some tough questions but what matters is that we take the time to do it.
10/24/2013 12:05:47 pm

It has been a good start.

Jennifer Reyher
10/29/2013 01:47:20 pm

I'm sure you doing a wonderful job. My kids have loved tweeting with you! It's been so much more than I could have imagined. We looked up what snowmobiles were when you tweeted about your favorite books because we had no idea what it was, we mapped how long it would take to drive there. My favorite part has been learning manners. The first day it was apparent that this was going to be a great venue for that when they tried rephrasing over and over if they could have your tent. Lol.


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